Fanfiction: immersion in existing works from readers and writers


Hi all, this is one of the first articles I submitted in my undergrad to the student newspaper (named Cruwsible at the time) about FanFiction. This piece won me first prize in the publication’s first ever writing competition. I remember writing a lot more at the time, but reducing it to fit the submission guidelines. I wanted to share it here as well. It can also be read on the publication site -> here. I remember sending it to the editor with the title “Literachore” thinking I was making a hilarious joke about worldbuilding. I love a good pun, and even a bad one.

I accidentally and luckily discovered fanfiction back in 2006. Fanfiction is, as its name indicates, fictional writings by fans. Fanfiction can be based upon television shows, novels, video games, graphic novels, plays, films, and even historical figures and celebrities. The stories can utilise the pre-existing characters, situations, and settings of fictional worlds in a variety of ways. The stories can have a great deal or very little in common with the canon of their chosen fandom (fanatic domain). Continue reading “Fanfiction: immersion in existing works from readers and writers”

Online Gaming – an investigation

Online gaming has been around for decades and has transformed a lot in that time. These games can be partially or entirely played on the internet with the aid of a computing device or other console devices that allows the user to connect to a server. The transformation of online gaming mirrors the way computing itself has changed over the years as technology was improved. This paper (yes another piece of homework from me) will aim to clarify the historical and artistic context of online gaming, business, as well as what impacts the medium of gaming has had with other digital and interactive media. Continue reading “Online Gaming – an investigation”

Saturn Devouring His Son


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This is one of my favourite paintings. It’s unofficially called ‘Saturn Devouring His Son’ by Francisco de Goya, part of a series now referred to as ‘the Black Paintings’, never given official names by Goya. A few years ago I was reading about cannibalism having re-watched Silence of the Lambs and read Hannibal Rising. This artwork came to my attention then, reading about the history of human cannibalism. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. I felt so mesmerised by the horrific depiction. It was so cold and brutal. Saturn’s wide eyes chilled me to my core, and the way his infant is limbless, beheaded and bleeding certainly enhances the terror of the scene. Continue reading “Saturn Devouring His Son”